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Cara Technology is serious about Cyber Security

Cara Technology is serious about Cyber Security

As a business that services many other companies, Cara Technology are determined to show their clients that they take cyber security seriously. Hence why they have gone through the Government scheme Cyber Essentials themselves.

Not only have they gone through Cyber Essentials, but they went a stage further and gained their Cyber Essentials Plus certification – something they’re very proud of and shows their dedication to top-level security. They’ll be renewing this for a third time in February 2023.

Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber-attacks.

Find out more details about Cyber Essentials HERE and watch a short video that Rob Gibbons (Cara Technology Account Manager) made with Mostyn Thompson –  an IASME-accredited consultant.

If you’d like to show your clients and prospects that your business takes Cyber security seriously and show that you can be trusted, and build confidence with Cyber Essentials, send Rob and the team at Cara Technology a message robert@cara.uk.com