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Winter Gritting Routes 2022/23 in Cheshire East

Winter Gritting Routes 2022/23 in Cheshire East

In October 2021 Cheshire East Highways implemented new winter gritting routes following a lengthy process of development and consultation. They are keen to engage with local employers in Cheshire East to help their employees familiarise themselves with the areas of the highway network that are treated in the Borough.

The current winter service gritting routes can be found via the link below and are shown with the black and white lines.


They will review the gritting routes every year to consider if changes are required.

Although key routes across Cheshire East are treated, they cannot ensure that all roads will be completely clear of snow or ice, so are advising all to please take care – especially on untreated roads. Motorists are encouraged to use roads on the treated network in times of frost, snow and ice.  Where journeys on the untreated roads are necessary, motorists should drive to the conditions, slow down, keep a distance from other vehicles and avoid harsh braking.

You can follow daily gritting actions on Twitter @CECHighways twitter

For more information on Cheshire East winter services follow the link below:
